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Environmental Engineering and Geology

Lawrence & Associates is staffed with California professional engineers and geologists, and Oregon professional geologists, and can assist our clients with:

Surface Water, Flood, and Hydraulic Analysis and Design

  • HEC 1 Modeling
  • HEC-RAS Modeling
  • Hyd 8 & TR-1
  • Flood plain analyses
  • Onsite storm-water detention or retention design
  • Storm-water collection, detention, retention, and treatment facilities
  • Best Practicable Treatment and Control (BPTC) plans
  • Individual National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Permitting
  • Reports of Waste Discharge (ROWD)
  • Streambed Alteration and Dredge/Fill Permitting
  • California General Industrial Storm-Water Permit SWPPPs
  • California General Construction Storm-Water Permit SWPPPs


California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) support, including:

  • Geologic impacts and risk analyses
  • Hydrologic, including groundwater hydrology
  • Impact analyses from groundwater extraction, including well interference
  • Analyses of runoff and flood-plain impacts
  • Slope stability impacts
  • Impacts of wastewater disposal


Decentralized Wastewater Design:

    • Individual and community septic system design.
    • Individual or community treatment system design including Septic Tank Effluent Pumping (STEP) and Septic Tank Effluent Gravity (STEG) systems.
    • Related CEQA, and permitting.
    • Treated wastewater storage pond design.


Fuel and Hazardous Materials Containment & Handling:

Spill Prevention Control & Counter Measure Plans (SPCC)

  • Compressed natural gas facilities (CNG)
  • Aboveground Fuel storage & distribution
  • Aeronautical Fuel storage & distribution
  • Service station piping & tank design
  • Spill containment design
  • General Industrial Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs)
  • Certification of hazardous waste treatment, storage, or disposal (TSD) facilities


Soil & Groundwater Investigation & Remediation

  • Tank-removal oversight and sampling.
  • Soil and groundwater investigations including our own environmental drilling services to install groundwater and soil-gas monitoring wells, ozone injection and sparging points point.
  • Design, installation and operation of in-situ treatment technologies, including groundwater extraction, soil-vapor extraction systems, ozone, and air-sparging systems.  
  • Excavation and bioremediation of contaminated soils.
  • California Tank Fund Application and coordination.
  • Monitoring and closure.
  • Hazardous waste site investigation and remediation.


Timber & Mining

    • Earthquake hazard analysis
    • Erosion control evaluation and design
    • Geologic Investigations for Timber Harvest per California Divisions of Mines and Geology Note 45
    • Hydraulic design for timber roads and stream crossings.  
    • Landfill design and inspection
    • Mineral assessment reports
    • Mine reclamation planning (SMARA)
    • Slope stability
    • Stream morphology and bank evaluations
    • Sediment retention design